6/21/2017 4:22 PM PST - Site Created and content coming soon.

6/21/2017 - The Other Red Engine is now available for download. Go grab him now!

6/22/2017 5:03 PM PST - Something is coming today or tomorrow, stay tuned. 

6/23/2017 10:27 PST - ToyFreddyEnterainment's Thomas facepack is available for download. Go get 'em!

6/29/2017 7:38 PM PST - Updated About page.

7/2/2017 1:23 PM PST - Emily's Coaches are here! Go Collect them!

7/2/2017 2:46 PST - Updated Description on Emily's Coaches.

7/2/2017 3:59 PM PST - Updated Emily's Coaches.

7/18/17 1:40 PM PST - The Other Red Engine has been updated due to how the textures were formatted.

7/20/17 8:39 PM PST - Updated Home Screen.

8/10/17 6:59 PST - Oliver in his RWS liveries are here, made to fit in with Mr.Lorgin's Duck reskin.

2/20/18 10:51 AM PST - Updated the about section's sentence to make more sense. More releases are coming soon, the site isn't dead yet as long as I'm around.

3/7/2018 11:58 PM PST - Updated site layout and style.

5/21/2020 11:44 AM PST - Hey everyone, Johney here. It's been a while since I logged into this site hasn't it? I guess my statement about the site not being dead was kind of a lie wasn't it? heh heh. Well yes and no, yes as I haven't done anything to this website in two ruddy years. I.E site updates or releases. No, for the reason being that I want to change that. I've been toying around in blender and I'm making something and plan on  releasing it here. I'll give you all a hint, it's not an engine or piece of rolling stock, it's a person.  I also plan to give the site a much needed overhaul, to start this I'm adding a new section the site that should've been there since day one. Links to other TTTE Trainz sites, this section should be up by the time this update post is public. So with that, I think that's all I have to say, this is Johney saying... Have a good one and be safe during this pandemic!

6/2/2020 12:16 AM PST - Overhauled 'Other Sites' page, and added a Non-TTTE Trainz site section.

6/10/2020 3:02 PM PST - Updated 'Other Sites' page.

6/14/2020 6:37 AM PST - The Si3D Classic Styled Works Unit Coach has been released.

9/1/2020 2:10 AM PST - Greetings everyone, I've come to say with a heavy heart that I'm shutting down Johney's Trainz. It wasn't an easy decision, but I want to keep away my name from Thomas stuff and the community as much as I can. However I do have some good news: I'm not pulling the plug and entirely... I'm leaving the site up. I'm also making a new site for my TTE channel and Thomas Trainz content, Dean Forest Works. There will be a new release and the old content here, including updated versions of them too. As of right now when I'm typing this the site is still a heavy W.I.P and not all of the content's not there yet but it will be there, I hope to see you all there. - Johney, (Wilbert the Forest Engine Productions).